French Journey™

French Journey™ is a self-paced, motivational course for French students, reminding them of the cyclical (as opposed to linear) nature of the learning process. Email to be placed on the waitlist for 2024.

In the interim, for tips on staying motivated in your French studies, please read this essay that Carrie Anne James wrote for Frenchly in 2018, which explains the meaning of ‘French Journey’ in her pedagogy.

The following excerpt from the June 2023 lesson in The French Lessons™ sheds light on the philosophy behind this course:

"Our French Journey™ began the moment that we felt inspired to learn French, the day that we discovered French culture as a child or during the first conversation we had with that person that inspired us to learn French. And our French Journey™ never ends, so long as we keep engaging with French. There is always more to learn and more to engage with. Our French Journey™ is not about an ultimate goal of speaking French perfectly; it is about the experience of becoming as close to the French language and culture as we possibly can, in our minds, in our hearts and in our souls so that we can have the experience that we dream of having, and at the level of excellence that we dream of having it." 

“I am over the moon to have been introduced to your study method. In a short time, this has added so much serenity to my learning journey even gifting a sense of relief, as it almost feels like a missing piece of a grand puzzle ...”

Jennifer, student, United States